Charitable planned gifts can make a difference for you, your family and for those charities you would like to help. We work with families and individuals in every income bracket and whatever their means.

We provide you with the materials to help you learn about your options and help you select the planned gift strategy that best meets your individual needs.

Demographers estimate that between now and 2015 a prosperous, post-World War II generation of Americans will leave to their heirs and their favorite charities trillions of dollars. The government will get a large chunk of this legacy, if steps are not taken.

In today's environment, charitable institutions and other non-profit organizations are scrambling to find funds for daily operations. Many people want to help, but they're more concerned with securing the financial future of their own families first.

Many of your clients may not know that there are ways to reduce their taxes and obtain higher income from their investments, maintain or improve the value of their estate for their heirs, and provide a substantial gift to their favorite charity all at the same time.

Clients need to know the value of charitable gift planning. PGF was the first national, non-profit organization able to provide complete services for implementing exciting, new planned giving concepts. There are lucrative benefits to both the donor and the charitable organization.

PGF has the partnerships and experience to assist you in identifying clients who can benefit from planned giving, in developing and presenting proposals, and in closing sales.

We provide complete services to develop, implement, and maintain the donor's selected planned gift option. Throughout the process, we work with you to inform and advise your client. We rely on your knowledge of your client's financial goals, and we build on what you already know to help your client make the best charitable gift choices.

Perhaps you've already considered planned giving vehicles but lacked the resources or time to develop a formal program to inform your clients and implement their gift choices. We can help. Our services for professionals include:

  • Identifying the best type of gift to meet your client's goals, quantifying the potential value of the selected gift.
  • Providing turnkey, easy processes for closing trusts.
  • Developing and implementing custom programs to help you and your staff learn everything you need to know about charitable gift planning.

Our unique funding methods provide you, the professional, with fees, the donor with immediate income and tax benefits, and for charities a future contribution.

PGF provides all the services and documents needed to develop a high-quality planned giving package. In exchange for this service, we ask the donor/client to gift an amount to cover the cost of fees, services, documents, and other administrative costs. Remember, the Foundation is a non-profit organization, and this gift is an immediate deduction for the donor, which pays for any professional and/or contractor we have engaged to provide a specific service. We can work with the client's approved financial or legal advisor and trust company, or we provide these if the client wishes to use any of our experts.